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is Election Day.Millions of Americans will be going to the polls to show the world who we are and what we stand for. Find out where and when you can vote today at https://t.co/NKXRGNgbZX.And once you do, I want to see your voting sticker. Ill be sharing ......
11-06 14:01


is Election Day.Millions of Americans will be going to the polls to show the world who we are and what we stand for. Find out where and when you can vote today at https://t.co/NKXRGNgbZX.And once you do, I want to see your voting sticker. Ill be sharing ......
11-06 10:12


開唱,隨後宣布新巡演「VOYAGE into X」訂在台北,今「2日」於林口體育館舉行,開場就帶來In My Head、Where You Are和I'm Sorry掀起歌迷熱情,雖然和一些歌迷4月才見面,但他們還是直呼:「大家好,我們是CNBLUE」,並且表演過程中突然直呼:「明天見」,讓台下尖叫如雷。樂團CNBLUE鼓手姜敏赫。「圖/ COME ON JKSSP提供」CNBLUE今日二度來台開唱,鄭容和、姜敏赫和李正信自我介紹後,先詢問大家是否過的好,接著開心說4月才來高雄,這次終於來到台北,直呼:「台......
11-02 20:32


,大方表示,「是的,我要結婚了」,並引用「聖經」金句,寫下「But Ruth replied,Dont urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go,and where you stay I will stay .your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16」。蔡函岑同時曬出一張照片,從畫面中可以看到,她與對方緊牽著手,手上戒指是掩不住的甜......
10-10 17:26


,配文寫下:「是的,我要結婚了」,下面也引用「聖經」金句,寫下「But Ruth replied,Dont urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go,and where you stay I will stay .your people will be my people and your God my God. Ruth 1:16」。。蔡函岑雖然近年鮮少現身在螢光幕,但因為出演「終極」系列,是許多人的青春回憶......
10-10 12:09


OFF DOMINICAN REPUBLIC COAST: BOAT WITH BODIES FOUNDA gruesome discovery was made on the coast of the Dominican Republic, where a boat containing several bodies was found. According to reports, the ship is believed to have departed from Senegal, Africa.......
09-25 10:54


J. Magnier」在推特上發文分析指出,一批可充電式的呼叫器,先是被查扣暫留之後,才被運進黎巴嫩境內,而以色列在這段期間,對呼叫器進行了改裝,在每一具呼叫器裡放入了13公克的爆炸裝置。The pagers attack in Lebanon; where huge numbers of Hezbollah fighters have been injured when their pagers exploded after receiving a message is among the craziest ......
09-18 11:30


Sandwich Cookie」」、「Oreo口味可口可樂無糖汽水「 CocaCola OREO Zero Sugar」」,也引起不小的話題。We're teaming up with LEGO_Group to inspire a world where sport and creative play always wins.Coming 2025.Learn more: https://t.co/tIUKEBlkz8 pic.twitter.com/t4ihcwqW4N Nike 「Nike」......
08-24 21:30


FIRE AT THE FORMER SOVIET AIRCRAFT CARRIER MINSK IN NANTONGMinsk is seriously damaged by the fire at Suxitong Industrial Park where it was undergoing refurbishment. The ship was formerly a tourist attraction known as Minsk World.Ukraine... pic.twitter.com/......
08-17 10:35


了!雖然是私事,但前幾天我嫁給了我最愛的人。」除此之外,青山黛瑪還發布了新歌「Where u r」,將結婚的這份喜悅轉化成音樂作品,分享給她的粉絲們,不少歌迷及粉絲看到後,紛紛留言送上祝福。青山黛瑪今日在IG貼文中表示:「我們希望不論何時都能相互扶持,並且建立一個屬於我們的家。希望大家能溫暖地守護我們,感謝大家一直以來的支持!」青山黛瑪也提到,「Where u r」這首新歌是她目前的心情寫照,她在貼文中附上了歌曲YouTube連結,不少粉絲及歌迷們都在留言處表達最誠摯的祝福。。事實上,2006年就出道的青山......
08-11 14:33


| A bounce house blew over with multiple children inside at Blue Crabs Stadium in Waldorf, MarylandThis red arrow shows where it was/where it landedbreaking pic.twitter.com/lMvSALAWLX Bobby Ellison 「BobbyEllisonKY」 August 3, 2024然而,其中一名5歲男孩傷勢嚴重,被送到......
08-04 21:51


出最快這個周末會宣布退選的美國總統拜登,其團隊出面澄清表示,拜登會「參選到底」並贏得選戰,美國大選距離投票日越來越近,川拜之戰還在繼續。BREAKING NEWS: The woman in this video behind Donald Trump, where many viewers accused her of giving the shooter instructions has allegedly been identified as FBI assistant director Janeen......
07-20 12:15


Part 2: Ryan Reynolds Bella talk transplant Bellas favourite hospital food. ️ ... stay tuned for Part 3 of their funny convo where they talk Pikachu, LOLs and Video Games. HelpingRyanHelpSickKids bellabrave sickkidsvs fyp foryoupage SickKids Foundation ......
07-16 16:38


過父親節,大秀烤肉照說這是第一次用烤肉架烤肉,不料卻被發現他把起司放在生肉上面,引發美國群眾不滿。Chuck Schumer just deleted this post where he got insanely ratioed for not knowing how to make a cheeseburger.Democrats try to be relatable without being super cringe challenge: IMPOSSIBLE pic.twitter.com/haXEfuoCj8......
06-20 16:18


spinning across a Quik Trip parking lot.Insane.Shane Reimche had just entered the store when the blade struck the store wall where he just had been.The out-of-control saw blade came from a nearby... pic.twitter.com/7K1joQoZ2J Collin Rugg 「CollinRugg」 March ......
04-01 10:30