At least 39 people were seriously injured, including 10 children, after a multiple collision with vehicles and trucks on the M1 motorway, 25 km west of Budapest,Hungary 🇭🇺
— Disaster News (@Top_Disaster) March 12, 2023
Some 42 vehicles and trucks collided in the Herceghalom area when a dust storm blocked visibility. pic.twitter.com/VM2ji3QW4d
At least 39 people were seriously injured, including 10 children, after a multiple collision with vehicles and trucks on the M1 motorway, 25 km west of Budapest, Hungary 🇭🇺
— 🔞SA911 (@JustdoitZee) March 12, 2023
Some 42 vehicles and trucks collided in the Herceghalom area when a dust storm blocked visibility. pic.twitter.com/1mdbjyxfli
At least 39 people were seriously injured, including 10 children, after a multiple collision with vehicles and trucks on the M1 motorway, 25 km west of Budapest, Hungary 🇭🇺
— 🔞SA911 (@JustdoitZee) March 12, 2023
Some 42 vehicles and trucks collided in the Herceghalom area when a dust storm blocked visibility. pic.twitter.com/1mdbjyxfli
此外,匈牙利當地電視台報導該起事故,不過,國家救護車服務發言人 Pal Gyorfi 卻拒絕透露發生該起事故的潛在原因,而匈牙利高速公路的運營商「Hungarian Concession Infrastructure Development Plc」在 臉書寫道,或許是因為局部沙塵暴,導致能見度突然下降,駕駛才會一時之間失控。