While walking towards ION...suddenly joanne told me eh panda...I being silly turn and saw and IT definitely looks like panda...almost went to hug it.Then I realise that they are dogs...they REALLY look like panda! !!Then was told it's a chow2. .. (don't know whether they dyed the color.)Video credit JoanneThanks for adding!Here's the owner for the panda chow2 and the fb page.any doubts about whether it's harmful could refer to it.Credit of Meng Jiang: https://www.facebook.com/meng.jiang.581and Panda Chow Chows: http://www.pandachowchows.comPlease follow them here: https://www.facebook.com/pandachowchows/?ref=hl
由 Natri Nut 貼上了 2016年1月31日