捐贈台灣75萬劑疫苗 圓山飯店點燈感謝美國



3名美國聯邦參議員美國聯邦參議員譚美達‧克沃絲(Ladda Tammy Duckworth)、丹尼爾‧蘇利文(Daniel Scott Sullivan)、克里斯多福‧昆斯(Christopher Andrew Coons)於今日一早7時19分抵台,因應疫情,總統蔡英文於8時30分在國軍松山空指部接見,訪團預計僅停留3小時便離台。









“Virtue never stands alone. “

“A friend in need is a friend indeed.”

Upon arriving in Taiwan for a brief visit early this morning, U.S. Senators Tammy Duckworth, Dan Sullivan, and Christopher Coons expressed their gratitude for Taiwan’s donation of 10 million masks and other medical supplies to the United States during the early stages of the pandemic .

The first batch of 750,000 foreign aid vaccines are to be donated by the U.S. to Taiwan as a token of their appreciation.

At the press conference, Sullivan was wearing one of those exact masks with Taiwanese flags on it.

To express our gratitude to our friends from the U.S., “USA” will be displayed at the Grand Hotel tonight. As a member of the international community, Taiwan will make our greatest effort with the rest of the world in unity. Together, we will ride out the storm.

Taiwan Jiayou(keep on fighting)!

Everyone Jiayou!

蔡英文致謝美75萬劑疫苗 徐巧芯:政府責任不因友邦協助消失
美議員旋風訪台宣布「捐台75萬劑疫苗」 吳釗燮:非常感謝
【有片】王柏融逆轉2分砲向日本致謝 「謝謝疫苗」登日媒頭版
【全台三級警戒】喊話台灣再撐2個月 柯文哲:等美國打完疫苗送世界各地


文章來源:【全台三級警戒】捐贈台灣75萬劑疫苗 圓山飯店點燈感謝美國



圓山飯店 疫苗 美國 點燈 感謝
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