去世前2天才見 吳建豪心痛悼高以翔:好恨


高以翔27日因工作猝逝,家屬昨(3)日在台北靈堂舉行頭七儀式。然而,他突如其來的噩耗讓所有人都難以釋懷,藝人吳建豪更在4日凌晨發文,心痛地劈頭就飆:「F*%# man I miss you.(我他X的好想你)」直到現在,他都不願相信高以翔真的走了,悲痛文字道出對好友的思念。










F*%# man I miss you. I’m still mad right now... I don’t know... I just don’t want to believe this and I’m trying so hard to grasp some sort of understanding... this F*%#ing sucks... and I just saw you man... this isn’t suppose to happen. Not you... I dunno... I just F*%#n miss you G.... random thoughts keep creeping in my skull... I know life is an ongoing process of emotions and feelings... and I jus need to trust God with it all... it’s taken me a min to even want to write anything let alone touch social... damn... I hate this.... Appreciate you to the fullest Godfrey. Your big heart, kindness, and willingness to love on people is something that I’ll keep with me forever........... ........... Thank you... thank you for the wonderful memories.... I’ll be celebrating your life daily until I see you again my G. God bless you~ Rest well-✞💜

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高以翔 吳建豪 猝逝 頭七 哀悼
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