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2019/08/22 10:40 東森新聞 責任編輯 顏妤安 字級:


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根據外媒《10 daily》報導跟男童媽媽自述,5歲男童李斯(Lewis Dyer)跟10歲哥哥在後院玩耍,突然衝出一隻高約2公尺的袋鼠,朝兄弟倆攻擊,哥哥因為較快跑回家中,躲過袋鼠攻擊,但弟弟李斯就沒這麼幸運,「我當時非常害怕,牠跳向我然後抓傷我。」現在他的臉上充滿被袋鼠抓過的痕跡,身體跟背部也有多處受傷,幸運的是「爸爸在家,也還好李斯穿著衣服,否則會造成更大的傷害。」


▼5歲男童遭袋鼠抓傷臉部跟身體。(圖/翻攝自bevydyer IG)





I wasn’t going to post these photos but I’m being absolutely inundated with messages & calls. Lewis & Jedd were playing out the back of our house, they were walking in the opposite direction of two kangaroos when they noticed the roos were starting to hop towards them. The boys decided to run towards our house, Jedd was quick enough to get away but a roo pushed Lewis to the ground & went for it. We heard the screams of the boys & ran. Brent tackled the roo off Lou & had to fight it off, it didn’t want to back down. Lewis is okay. Heavily scratched, battered & bruised. We are so lucky Brent was home. We are so lucky Lewis was wearing a singlet, shirt & jumper or those scratches on his back would have been a whole other story. We’ve always warned the boys not to go near the kangaroos. These Roos have been sitting out the back of our house for a couple of months now, morning & night. I’m sharing this because Roos are coming in closer then usual looking for feed, please keep an eye on your kids & warm them to stay away from them. They’re wild & as we’ve learnt the hard way, they’re unpredictable. My boys were no where near them! The Roos followed them. We just can’t believe this has happened to our little Louie 😭 Thanks for the messages & calls everyone 🙏🏼❤️

Beverley Dyer(@bevydyer)分享的貼文 於 張貼


(封面圖/翻攝自bevydyer IG、pixabay)


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